Maybe If...
Maybe love is a…
And we are the…
I tend to think it’s…
And we are only here to…
Then of course no one really…
I guess if we all…
Then maybe…
© Andre Ferinate
Mythos Untamed
This will be the year that wild horses will come to the gates of your dreams.
Their midnight black Eyes will draw the moon to the open prairies of your sleep.
This will be the year you defy windows and doors and boundaries and forge new frontiers
in freedom's land.
The air will move about like soft velvet curtains around the contour of your desires.
Everything you ask for, everything you reach for is galloping, glorious and invisible,
is waiting for your unbridled surrender.
This could be the year that you finally let go and fall into your own arms,
embrace your furious beauty and fly like a winged horse over cities and towns,
the steeples of churches and old weathered barns.
This could be the time for the moon to show you your heart through the pure and unbroken windows of her eyes.
This could be the year you break from the herd and dash to your mythos untamed.
The sun will flood your heart with a golden storm of light,
you will be your own horizon,
you will be the shape of night.
© Andre Feriante
Slender Gods
I got dressed in the dark this morning while you
were sleeping, I didn't want to steal you from your dreams.
I'm going to a place far away, I'm going to stand
on a bridge with nothing but a blank sky in my mind.
I'll remain suspended in the in betweens until
the wind spins my whimsy to another land.
When you awake and feel the weight of my absence
on the bed, push open your window and see my face in the
junipers, hear my footsteps over the rustling leaves.
If there is a place where my voice was held, extend your
hand in a velvet glove, let my speech brush against
your fingers.
Lift my voice with yours, to the silvery phosphorescent
ledge, know that our words will bloom like iron roses,
swaying towards the moon like slender gods in forest
Know that our bedroom mirror was a book of glass pages,
and If there is place where gypsies and angels go to read the light,
turn your face to the sun.
The warmth is my hand,
the tear is my refrain.
© Andre Feriante
In This Voluntary Light
In the house of music,
ears, eyes take notice,
humanity is searching,
threading a filament of hope
from heart to star,
sending out the boomerang of mystery,
awaiting the wild horse of sudden returns.
Gamblers and angels alike,
love says 'drop your guard and dive to the center'
the jewel of our eye is mirrored in our sameness,
the fingers of the earth are precious, young and old.
honor is a trumpet, a sword held back,
sound the reversal of hatreds and the avengers rage.
Walk with me on this avenue of music, in this voluntary light,
lift your beauty higher and remember the dove of alchemy’s sight.
© Andre Feriante
By the Sea
I bought a little place by the sea
with a dirt road and no radio waves,
an old man who had died not long
before had lived there
Sometimes strays would wonder by
and the mornings were pleasant,
The old man wrote books about the waves
and he only had one love but she was from
a story long before
Crows made their art and pine needles fell
in the sand, at sunset I would walk barefoot
on the shore with my thoughts in the salty air,
thinking I shall die here too and they can lay
my body by the orange tree
Once inside I would take some Bourbon and sip
thinking of schooldays and first times,
closer to my dreams the wind would invite herself
easy like a lover in a window
I count the waves, shades of my life drift upward
and the moon rests her light on the
blueness of my forehead
© Andre Feriante
Mary practiced her cello on the hardwood floors,
after the divorce the symphony took her in,
her family and kids were frayed at the edges,
her husband lost his days through the windows of banks.
Her hair would brush the body of the cello,
sonatas and partitas metronomically filled the spaces
in afternoons.
Mary's hand held the bow of ebony and horsehair,
between her fingers the piano rang,
all the while her other life would run the pain in her mind.
Behind curtains she danced her thunder away,
in each pulse of thought the dust of family, wife, mother
and world pushed at her heart.
The warm, guilty voice the cello had stolen her,
the luscious tones strolled her solitude.
She always wanted to be a child again,
running in a field where the sun never sets
and the music never ends.
She always knew her soul had compartments
and houses had wings.
© Andre Feriante
Self Portrait
I will paint for you a large guitar,
I will fill it with the fading cities of yesterday
with the ancient streets I frequent in my sleep.
I will paint the neck as delicate as the back of a woman
along the strings I will spin invisible strands of joy
long filaments of moonlight.
I will paint myself as the arms of a tree
slowly embracing the guitar in gradual surrender
to the heavy beauty of stars.
My face will be painted in the eyes of clouds
drifting yet paralyzed in stillness
the music I will not paint for you
for it is the thunder you harbor in your own soul
and the sound the same I will leave open
like a hole in the sky
for the transcendence of your desires.
My hands I will paint as if they were real
like raven's wings, blurred in grayish reds
on my shoulders I will paint a sweet blanket of rain
and on my chest the cares of fallen lovers.
The guitar I'm wrapped around
is the body of the earth I walk through
one song at a time.
I will paint my dreams as curious arrows
piercing my mind, my fingers, my strings.
I will paint this guitar, sounding inside my soul
across the fine lines of years
the glare of life itself will hypnotically
come and go, like sunrise and sunset.
You will see the ghost of a Spanish dancer
painted on the backside of bedroom mirrors
mysterious splashes of death and reunions
quiet on the walls.
I will paint this guitar for you until I am old
I fill it with the sun of Africa and the spirit
of Asians moons.
And still I will walk outside the frames of my dreams
collecting remnants from melancholy minds...
stepping out of this world from time to time.
When the last breath of my hand comes
to rest on the most soundless of songs
I'll paint open a window and
disappear into the slumber of the uncontained
© Andre Feriante
I am fragile about you
I am powerful about you
I am a hurricane about you
sometimes a timid swallow
there is lioness in your eyes (almost gold)
a clustering of Tristanesque clouds for me
your presence more precious than invisible things
for me your smile makes pale the moon
against the darkness I dream into you
my thoughts are sweet blades
permitting your compulsions
I will be your doctor and your child
divulge your wounds
and spill yourself on me
break into a rain and fall into my embrace
pour yourself against my constant face
I will hold your weight until your body
caves open in joy
my porcelain arm will shatter from your suffering
Yet still I will hold you with the
pieces of all my pieces
broken and content
I am moved about you.
© Andre Feriante
Liquid Geometry
We go down for air in our dreams,
swimming in a slumber of dormant tendencies,
a beehive a brainwave.
Down there is the melting guilt of sunken deeds,
the reverse of languaged words, of twisted tongues,
each night we die again,
and the phase of the calendar turns.
From the square roots of centuries to the prime numbers of holy moons,
we exist inside ourselves, helpless and fleshy with our bones,
we make things, like love and glue and castles.
We have picnics with yellow jackets,
we take long walks from isolation,
we wrap it up and string it on a memory wreath,
a momento, a nostalgic sigh.
There have been actual holidays with forgotten friends,
haunted photographs with frozen smiles,
these too are dreams,
yesterday has vaporized,
today we take a solid form and soon return to mist.
Pressing through and reaching out,
sensation fulfills itself,
and we lick the roofs of our individual mouths.
We see time through the eye of the needle,
we stitch meticulously,
the events, the rag dolls,
and we kiss our lovers blind.
There is a mysterious wall behind the eyes,
we fall back in our flavors, give birth, have fights and awake to war.
The armies of children play blameless games in the wild fields,
and there is no end to this;
we are complete in our worldliness.
If only we could link the circles in our dreams
connecting my hopes to yours,
the evident to the intuitable,
the ethereal to the embraceable.
© Andre Feriante
I almost put “I love you”
in words last night,
but I held my tongue
and kept it in my eyes
© Andre Ferinate